Magic air pen

A stylus that you can use to draw in the sir when on a video call and what you draw shows on the screen for the viewers.



  • Irregular Ideas newsletter
  • Walk along the cliff tops
  • Writing threads and thinking about how to build a knowledge base of tweets


  • Recruitment
  • Writing training
  • Walk on the beach
  • Future Skills email

Whole load of APIs

ProgrammableWeb API Directory

OpenSignal API

Daily Inspirational Zen Quotes API

Quote Garden

Random Quotes API

Inspiration quotes

Quotes and expressions

Inspiring expressions

A collective list of free APIs

Community Twitter Bookmarks

Maintain a public, shared knowledgebase of tweets around a particular subject. The members of a community of interest can add tweets, vote on their usefulness, keep or remove them.

Where we go wrong with Agile

I’m no expert on Agile software development or agile working but being more agile in the ways we work is something I have aspired to for many years, so I have an opinion on where we might sometimes go wrong when implementing agile in an organisation.

The problems of the realities of agile not meeting the expectations are rooted, I think, in that many people consider agile an implementation methodology, all about producing work, doing stuff. And it isn’t about doing, it’s about learning. Agile is a learning methodology.

The first five words of the Agile Manifesto, “We are uncovering better ways…” seem very much about learning. It doesn’t say, “We have ‘uncovered’ better ways”, to state that the better ways to do software development have been found, so no need to keep looking. And it doesn’t say, “We have uncovered the ‘best’ way”, to state that the one true answer has been found. No, it says that being agile is about always looking for and uncovering better ways, always learning.

If we view agile in this way, as all about learning, then more things start to make sense. The regular cadence and short time boxes with fast feedback loops facilitate learning, not producing more work.

It’s all about learning

Recently, I’ve noticed a theme emerging across the ideas I have for side-projects. Broadly, one way or another they are all about ‘learning’. Not just learning in the individual educational sense, but also organisational learning, team learning sense.

When I talk of learning in this way it is within the context of knowledge work, which I think is more fundamentally different to material work than we’ve fully realised. Generally, we treat work as being about producing and moving about ‘things’, because that is what work has been about for a long time. So even if our work is knowledge work we still treat it in this old way.

Modern knowledge work doesn’t really work in this kind of inventory management way. It’s, very generally, about creating new knowledge or organising existing knowledge, and I don’t think we have the mental models to deal with work like this. When knowledge workers talk of their job as producing something, they usually refer to the report they’ve written or spreadsheet they’ve filled in, rather than talking about their work as creating new knowledge.

To create new knowledge you have to learn. You have to learn new information, learn ways to analyse and synthesise, learn ways to communicate. This is what knowledge workers really do. They learn.

So, the side-projects I work on are vaguely centred around some of these ideas about what learning means as a knowledge worker. Not just pedagogical learning of information and techniques to do a job, but learning as a job.



  • Set up the landing page for Collision Courses
  • Went for a very windy walk along the cliff tops
  • Updated the Projects page on my website
  • Posted ThingsIveReadRecently thread
  • Started the Future Skills email on deductive reasoning


  • Irregular Ideas
  • Roadmap templates
  • Run