Weeknotes #56

What happened this week…

  • RMSP Ecommerce processes workshop to define to-be processes.
  • Launched the new Defibrillator Signs and Posters, and created a new category on the Online Shop called ‘Health’.
  • Reviewed all the currently in-scope and new-required interfaces for Ecommerce within RMSP.
  • Continued to add to our Christmas Card Marketing Plan and agreed budget.
  • Began collecting Attributes to extend product information in AX.
  • Approved development work on the new Weekly Finance Reports to automate sales reporting.
  • Set up categories in Magento to feed products into our new Facebook Shop.

Read this week…

Doing next week…

  • Reviewing all the information we need to collect from third-parties to support interfaces for RMSP.
  • Confirming all the interfaces that are required to support data transfer between Ecommerce systems.
  • Updating the Ecommerce Marketing Plan.
  • Beginning to advertise Christmas cards.
  • Setting up for World Heart Day at the end of September.

Interesting stat of the week…

  • Comparing August this year to August last year, Sessions are up 33%, Users are up 35%, Pageviews are up 26%, Checkout success is up 16%, Account sign-ups are up 42%, transactions are up 17%, Average Order Value is up 26% and Revenue is up 48%. It’s been a pretty successful month.

In the not too distant future….

  • Analysing campaign sign-up and purchase data to understand how marketing and product affect the customer journey.