Charity product model canvas – iteration 4

Charity product canvas

Building on from an earlier iteration, this version of the canvas is getting more practical and usable.

It uses the same basic logic of any (well-designed) canvas in trying to balance the two sides, so problems on one side are balanced by solutions on the other, and barriers on one side are balanced by outcomes on the other, meaning that it provides a visual sense check that what the solution you are creating matches the problems you’re trying to solve.

If the canvas shows a big complex problem, but the solution is a small simple one, then it might be clear that it isn’t going to solve the problem, overcome the barriers and achieve the outcomes. Then, you can either reduce the problem you’re trying to solve or increase the solution.

I have some feedback to incorporate and will be trying it out with a complex problem over the next few weeks, so we’ll see what future iterations look like. I’d also like to think of a way of showing how certain/uncertain things that have been added are, to be clearer about assumptions and the available evidence.