A chat with a Conversion Rate Optimisation Consultant
Roadmaps and strategy
Roadmapping your test strategy with twelve month long themes and three month long objectives. Having a roadmap helps with more strategic discussions about what to focus on and what not to focus on and helps to avoid working reactively. But you always have to allow time for firefighting.
Getting testing into the organisation
Test and learn shouldn’t just happen on the website, it should be part of how the organisation does things, but this is difficult in a risk averse culture that is protective of its reputation and hates the idea of making something public that appears unfinished.
Making testing achieve more for the organisation
Communication up front to the teams to let them know that they might benefit from the insights is important, and that communication should include letting them know that the results may have suggestions of things they can do in real life to improve their service.
Seeing a bigger picture of improvements
Customer service complaints are great feedback to inform testing and support conclusions. Complaints are what customers tell you they want you to improve, test results are what they don’t tell you they want you to improve.