Why do digital departments have such a high employee churn rate?

Is it because the young people who are hired to work in digital departments are building their career and are able to use each job as a stepping stone to the next position?

Is it because the reward and recognition package offered by the organisation doesn’t match the expectations of the people?

Is it because the structure and nature of the organisation doesn’t match the desire for creativity, self-expression and independence of these people?

Is it because digital is a fast-moving industry so staying on a position for less than a year is considered normal?

And is it a problem? Of course each recruitment costs the organisation, but what if a person in a role for six months provides enough value to the organisation that in fact it’s worth it for both parties.

What I’d do with the Independent

As the first major newspaper to move to being exclusively digital, The Independent has raised some interesting thoughts on how they can successfully monetise the digital content business model, whether through advertising, subscription, or some other means.

Of course making money is important, but despite much of the response to the shift saying that the reason for going digital is to save costs on printing and distributing physical newspapers, I think The Independent has the opportunity to become more than just an online newspaper. With the right strategy, The Independent could become the leader in news, articles, information, and storytelling.

Achieving this would take three things.

1. Real-time news delivery. This means feeding up-to-minutes reports about what’s happening all over the world to a single platform where it can be aggregated, organised, and delivered before anyone else.

2. Expert encyclopedic knowledge. Having experts from any and all areas of study and practice writing informative articles would form a knowledgebase with both depth and breadth, and become the go-to site for finding out the facts. It could usurp Wikipedia, with its user generated approach, by giving people more authoritative information.

3. User generated articles and story-telling. This could be achieved by buying medium.com or some other similar platform. There would be a free account for the majority of users with a voting up by the readers of the most popular articles, and premium paid-for accounts to generate revenue and allow for more serious writers and companies.

The real power of these three types of content in one place is the ability to cross-post and show related articles together. For example, companies could write articles about their products, charities about their work, and people about their experiences knowing that their content would show alongside relevant breaking news stories, almost a Google AdWords for written content, further increasing the revenue.

How The Independant’s shift from print to digital reveals the difficulty with digital content business models

The Independent is going digital, scraping its print version to save costs and attempt to become a world-class world-wide digital publisher.

Phil Hall, joint head of investment for Mediacom UK, said in The Drum:

The print sales are low and obviously there is a production cost involved in producing print and this is part of the reason for their shift to a digital business. While they have a decent digital subscriber base, the challenge as it is for any digital business will be to monetise that. There is certainly a possibility that they will look at a subscriber model, or they can hope that the quality of their journalism is such that they will generate more traffic and get a greater return from advertising.

The move to ‘more digital’ or ‘digital only’ content is clearly an attractive trend for a every business that deals with content. Digital production, done right so it can be repurposed, can be more cost effective than print so it’s easy to see why any content producer would shift to digital over print. But, as The Independent shows, its not quite that simple. Just being more cost effective in production doesn’t necessarily lead to greater revenue in consumption. People may well consume more content via digital means, but they do so in a very different way. Articles are read, photos looked at, and videos watched with a fast-paced throwaway approach. On the other hand, we have an innate feeling that words and images in print are somehow immortalised and so more precious, that we should take time over reading them, and pay them more attention.

This difference in consumption is what makes the digital business model so difficult to make profitable. As Phil said above, The Independant has only two potential income streams: subscription and advertising. The Subscription Model is a difficult one to get right for a newspaper as it needs to make its best content publicly available to show its quality and value, in which case subscribers are left with paying for lower quality content, and the Advertising Model, which is under increasing pressure because of the rise of ad blocking software.

Other types of organisations face the same issue. A charity could quite sensibly choose to move more of its print content to digital formats, and justify this move as saving print and distribution costs. But that fundraising campaign flyer that drops through your letterbox might hang around longer and be taken notice of more than the banner ad that you didn’t even notice as you were reading an article on The Independant’s website.

I’m a believer in all things digital, and of the digital transformation of organisations and society, but I also believe in knowing what you are trying to achieve and understanding the end-to-end process and impact of decisions like ‘going digital’. Perhaps digital, with its limited revenue models, will force organisations to accept more streamlined and smaller business models. Perhaps it will force businesses to accept lower revenue in return for greater cost-effectiveness. Perhaps ten percent profit on one million pounds turnover is better than one percent profit on one hundred million pounds turnover.

Digital Team project planning

digital project planning

Bringing together the four Digital Team Managers and three Digital Business Partners to begin to share their priority projects and get an overview of all of the work the Digital Team

How we D.E.L.I.V.E.R. digital projects

This project management lifecycle framework was developed by a consortium of twenty five of some of the best Digital Project Managers in the world with combined experience of over 150 years. Actually, no it wasn’t. I made it up last night.

How we D.E.L.I.V.E.R™ digital projects


Initial discovery phase to scope simple requirements.


Create tests to validate assumptions made in the Discover phase.

Launch plan

Using the results of the Experiment phase, develop a Launch plan that includes more detailed scoping of the requirements, benefits, impact, budget, resources, timescales, risk, etc and has Implementation, Verification, and Evaluation criteria.


Launch the project.


Monitor the implementation to verify that it is performing as expected and make changes as required.


Evaluate the project against


Report on the successes and failures of the project

Acronyms are easier to remember, the seven headings are general enough that lots of things can fit under them, it encourages an experiment/testing approach, and has (kind of) logical steps in managing a project.