Started consolidating some of the stuff I learned in my new role.

Did some Microsoft Learn courses.

Went for a walk along the cliff tops in the dark.

Had some fun on Twitter.

Started working on the sixth Futureskills email.


Starting to understand the product process better.

Went for a hike on the beach and listened to podcasts.

Completed module 3 of the BSL course.


Read lots of info about discovery, alpha and beta work.

Went for a hike along the cliff tops and down to a secluded beach.

Finished the ultiatedigital.tools landing page.


First day at RNID.

Got a distinction for my MSC.

Had my booster jab.

Headed back to the coast.

Worked on the Ultimatedigital.tools landing page.


Went for a walk in the woods.

Sent Irregular Ideas 9.

Finished the fifth Future Skills email.

Started the landing page for ultimatedigital.tools.