Changes to the Give Blood app
Why is the Give Blood app so bad? I don’t know, but here are some improvements I’d make.

Make the phone number a tel link so I can call with a click.

Is this the most important information I need to see every time I open the app? Don’t think so. Move it to the About you section.
Earliest donation date should be replaced with a ‘You can donate now’ message.

What’s the primary call to action here? It should be to ‘Book an appointment’ but ‘See why you’re a First Responder’ is more prominent. And I read it, so why do I need to see it on the home screen every time I log in?

Hide the ‘Your upcoming appointments’ if I don’t have any upcoming appointments. It’s a distraction from getting me to book an appointment.

Find a donation venue near you
Minor detail I know, but the search box and button should be the same height.

Donation venues filtering
Venues can be filtered by dates but even when ordered by nearest there is no way to change the default distance for the search (which seems to be 10 miles).

Location map
Every venue has a ‘View on a map’ link which opens Google maps in a browser and uses the coordinates to find the place. This is where the link from the venue ‘Aylesbury Methodist Church’ goes, to Elsinore House. That’s confusing.

Choose a date range
Another example of how text behaves badly when the device text size is zoomed.

No dates available
Even though a venue is shown in the search results, when going to pick pick an appointment time it shows as having no dates available. Don’t show it in the search results.

Viewing appointments
This screen introduces a new user interaction – the plus/minus reveal that doesn’t look like something to interact with. All the other screens with blue text links open another screen, this is the only one that expands on the same screen, so it’s a bit inconsistent.

Date range and number of venues
With the dates set from 29 August 2023 to 1 December 2023 there are 19 venues with appointments, but…

Date range and number of venues
… if I expand the date to 31 August 2024, there are only 7 venues with available appointments. How can there be fewer venues with appointments for a shorter time period?

Your donation history
Always test how text behaves when the device has font size zoom set high.

Your donation history
And always allow your text to line break.

Previous attendance
No previous donations are shown, which is fine but hide the heading.