Retrospective February 2023

The lesson for this month; not having a clear schedule for other things in life impacts on me doing the planned things. As I get back to having more structured days it’ll be easier to do planned work.

Contributing to the digital transformation of the non-profit sector

Working at a national non-profit organisation to embed product thinking and practice

Be a better manager

I’ve been trying to be more available for my team, with varied success.

Create a better environment

Setting up the environment for the team to create successful products and services had been my maintain focus this month, with the technology/feasibility part of that being where I’ve made the most progress.

Deliver projects faster

This is still an area of concern for me. There are a number of things we can experiment with, but making any real progress is going to take a while.

Participating in online communities for social good, innovation, product and digital

Didn’t do anything on this goal. Haven’t even been in Twitter much.

Continually developing my knowledge, skills and practice

Formal education

British Sign Language

Still haven’t done anything on my BSL course.

Gitlab Remote Working course

Nothing on this course either.

Microsoft Learn



I finished The Phoenix Project and read more of Delivery Management.

Informal learning

Product Management Zone

I started a new product management resource directory, mostly to learn a bit more about Airtable and Softr.

Irregular Ideas

I’ve taken a break from writing Irregular Ideas. Part of the point of writing it was to get better at writing, but I’m not really able to focus enough at the moment to write well so I’d rather write nothing.


I’ve got one email to write and add to this, and it’s been on my to do list for ages, but I still didn’t get around to it. I’m not sure it’ll make much difference but I want to get the thinking about how charity product managers achieve value wrapped up.

Magix Team

Didn’t do anything with this. I have ideas, but not the focus.

Reflective practice

I wrote weeknotes on schedule every week. That’s about the only thing I’ve managed to maintain any consistency for. I haven’t really written much each day.

Leading an intentional life


Was indoors most of the month.

Health & well-being

Walked only very occasionally.

Financial independence

Started arranging to by a house.