Retrospective March 2022

This month’s lesson is the same as last months. I didn’t get an effective structure in place for working projects so didn’t make any progress.

Contributing to the digital transformation of the charity sector

Pretty good month at work with my focus continuing to be split across building the team, getting foundations in place for greater robustness and resiliency in the future, and planning for new product development.

Still haven’t spent any time trying to figure out this goal outside of work.

Learning about innovation, technology, product and design

I didn’t do any formal learning this month. I’m still really behind on my British Sign Language course.

Didn’t work on any of my projects.

Read a pretty wide range of stuff from philosophy to digital transformation, mostly as research for Irregular Ideas and

Irregular Ideas is going well and has 30 subscribers. I enjoy writing it each week.

I wrote weeknotes on schedule every week.

Leading an intentional life

My nomadic life along the coastline was on pause. Back soon.

My financial measures are doing well.

I’m still not doing enough to improve my physical health.