Retrospective March 2023

The lesson for this month; too much work in progress.

Contributing to the digital transformation of the non-profit sector

Working at a national non-profit organisation to embed product thinking and practice

Be a better manager

Tried to be more available for the team but still big gaps here. I didn’t manage to figure out the right balance between spending time with the team that is valuable and not leaving them with less time to achieve things.

Create a better environment

Worked on some aspects of creating an ‘enabling environment’ to help with reducing work in progress, which is definitely one of our barriers.

Deliver projects faster

We tried a few things to get better at delivering projects faster, including validating ideas, giving ourselves deadlines and reducing the scope. There’s still so much more we can do here.

Participating in online communities for social good, innovation, product and digital

Had a couple of interesting chats on Twitter, and joined a group video call about using AI in the charity sector and perhaps using it to accelerate innovation in the sector. One reflection I had was how dependent being part of a network is on making any kind of contribution like this.

I think the contribution I want to focus on is writing the technology charity book.

The technology charity

Started writing a book about the technology charity, and how charities can use technology to achieve change at scale.

Continually developing my knowledge, skills and practice

Formal education

British Sign Language

Still haven’t done anything on my BSL course.

Gitlab Remote Working course

Nothing on this course either.

Microsoft Learn



Very slowly reading Delivery Management.

Informal learning

Product Management Zone

Added a few more things. Need to answer the question of whether it should have individual articles, podcast episodes, etc., which is probably more useful for users but a lot more work for me, or just have the blog, podcast, etc.

Irregular Ideas

Wrote one edition of Irregular Ideas, just because I had an idea and some time.


I’ve got one email to write and add to this, and it’s been on my to do list for ages, but I still didn’t get around to it. I’m not sure it’ll make much difference but I want to get the thinking about the four ways charity product managers achieve value wrapped up.

Magix Team

Didn’t work on magix teams, but I have collected some more thoughts about what a ‘matrix’ means and how it’s rooted in working collaboratively.

Reflective practice

I wrote weeknotes on schedule every week. That’s about the only thing I’ve managed to maintain any consistency for. I haven’t really written much each day, but I think I want to use the notes section of my website to record more ongoing thoughts.

Leading an intentional life


Was indoors most of the month.

Health & well-being

Hardly walked at all.

Financial independence

Did more on buying a house.