
I got stranded on the wrong side of the beach, swam across the river, and broke my sandals, hiked 8 miles, mostly barefoot, 3/4 mile of forded road, lots of up hill.

It’s the little adventures like this that make it all worthwhile.

The weird and the wonderful

Horses, thinking man, mermaids and missiles, Buddhas and bulls, flamingos and lions. Each one with a story behind it. Each one instagram-able.


I’m fascinated by places like this old canal. Places that are from a previous time, abandoned by people and gradually taken over by nature. They remind me of how temporary we and all our works are, and that nature carries on regardless.

Weston beach

I walked on this beach, only accessible by steep slippery footpath, collected sea-worn pieces of glass, and let my thoughts wander.

Isle of Portland

I spent a few days on the Isle of Portland, in a car park used by the transients and vanlifers. I chatted to man who had taught English in China before the pandemic and was living in a camper van while he waited to be told he could go back. We talked about American politics and how Trump had affected China’s relationship with other countries. Everyone has a story about how they got to where they are.