Digital litter picker-uper

Follows you around the Internet tidying up after you. Unsubscribes you from emails you don’t open, requests your data be deleted from that website you bought from once five years ago, etc.

Cyril Cal

A calendar that doesn’t let you choose how long the meeting should be, it starts with asking you to write an agenda and then estimates how long the meeting should take.

Password complexity checker

A password manager that I can enter the URL for the site I’m going to be signing-up to, and it pulls the password complexity requirements from that site, and then generates a password that meets them.


Analyses everything I write and gives it a score on the rant-o-meter and tells me with a calming smile and knowing nod, “You’re ranting again”.

Brand pic

Profile pic generator in the brand style of whichever site you are adding a profile pic to.

Good life goals

Contribute to the UN sustainable development goals by doing small things individually or as a family. Choose an SDG, set you own goal, track your contribution in an app.

Really Simple Journal

Pre-formatted microblogging where you select a template for your posts and answer the questions, and are prompted to do it every day to build the habit of self-reflective action learning.


Twitter sentiment scanner that awards points for positive tweets and keeps a leaderboard of the most positive people on Twitter.

Search results via email

Enter your search terms and receive an email with a list of high-quality curated content that matches your search terms for you to read whenever you want. Never lose a search result.