Weeknotes 387

This week I did: Riskiest assumption testing I spent some time defining an MVP to help us validate our two riskiest assumptions; can we get the right audience to the product (acquisition), and can we get people to the outcome …

Weeknotes 385

Did: Lots of stuff Including: Productivity 73 tasks completed this week, which is an average of 14.6 a day. My average since I started measuring is 11.6 a day. Spent 17 hours in meetings. Way over my goal of 10 …

Weeknotes 384

This week I did: Lots of stuff Including: Productivity Completed 63 tasks, averaging 12.6 a day (over 5 days as I did a couple of things on my day off, over 4 full working days it’s 60 tasks, 15 a …