Pitt River Museum

Pitt Rivers Museum

I used to visit the Pitt Rivers Museum when I was at school to draw the interesting artifacts. Today I saw an old teacher from my school. We both recognised each other at the same instant but carried on, pretending that we didn’t know each other. I guess you get used to that as a retired teacher.

Seeing him, and thinking about school, made me think about who I was twenty five years ago and what he thought of me then, and what he’d think of me now.

OxCom Day 1

Had my first session with the Oxford College of Marketing for my Diploma in Digital Marketing. The session was really good, and I was impressed with their professionalism and seriousness. The sessions all have learning outcomes attached, the powerpoint slides have a bibliography, and there is a strong focus on making sure you know what needs to be included in your assignment. They also seem to make good use of web-based learning materials with webinars on each topic and all the course material available online.