When it comes to stigmergy the starlings have us beat

I’m not interested in strategy. Strategy is boring. There are decades worth of thinking from some of the best minds and still we don’t know how to achieve things in a coordinated fashion through top-down command and control. Stigmergy. Now …

Towards a stigmergy for third sector transformation

Create a stigmergy, not a strategy Sector transformation doesn’t need a strategy. A strategy requires a single coordinated vision and centralised control. The sector doesn’t need that. It needs different thinking. So, instead of a strategy, the sector needs a …

Weeknotes 376

This week I did: What next? I started working on an interesting new product. It’s almost ready to go live, and I’m only just joining. It’s in a weird state of being important, but not important enough; of having been …

Weeknotes 374

This week I did: Priorities The most interesting thing from this week was an opportunity for a partnership with a global digital brand. The question is, can we reprioritise effectively enough to make the most of it? This is why …

Weeknotes 366

This week I did: Fall in love with experiments A new feature went live on the hearing check. It allows people who are busy or in a noisy environment to get a text message reminder to take the hearing check …

100 ideas

One hundred ideas that are important to me. Reflective practice for digital work Technology charities Decolonising new product development process Andragogical learning Management as ethical interface logical reasoning and scientific method as tools for turning uncertainty to certainty Repetition, local …