Really Simple Journal

Pre-formatted microblogging where you select a template for your posts and answer the questions, and are prompted to do it every day to build the habit of self-reflective action learning.


What went well?

Interesting chats about where capabilities exist in organisations and how breaking process and shifting capabilities to people helps organisations deal with change and uncertainty.

What didn’t go so well?

Playback of a solution design to a stakeholder who decided not to go ahead with the solution.

What could I do differently in the future?

Maybe a different approach to engaging with a new stakeholder, more talking first rather than my usual approach of creating something to talk about.

Do you feel you should “build your network?” Do you wonder why everyone says you should? Does the idea of ‘networking’ make you die a little inside? Do you wonder how you can continue to network in this remote, socially-distanced era? Then this thread is for you.