Goals for 2023

Contributing to the digital transformation of the the non-profit sector

Working at a national non-profit organisation to embed product thinking and practice

My focus at work will be on:

  • Being a better manager
  • Building the right environment
  • Delivering projects

Participating in online communities for social good, innovation, product and digital

Since I can’t participate in communities, I’ll contribute through writing and exploring ideas in digital product innovation in charities, including:

Continually developing my knowledge, skills and practice

Completing formal education courses

I’ll try to complete courses in:

  • Microsoft Learn courses for Dynamics.
  • British Sign Language – level 1.
  • GitLab Remote Working.

Informal learning through side-projects

My informal learning will be through:

  • Irregular Ideas – Email newsletter about humanity and technology.
  • Magix Team – Book and/or email course on organising flexible teams around multiple projects in resource-constrained environments.
  • Interface. Integrate. Iterate. Impact – Email course exploring the role good product management can play in charities.

Regular reflection on progress and barriers

I’ll try to maintain a cadence of:

Living an intentional life

Following a nomadic lifestyle

Improving physical and mental well-being

  • Walk every day.
  • Swim in sea.
  • Run.
  • Understand my autism better.

Maintaining financial security

  • Buy a house.

2022 annual review

What I did and didn’t do towards my goals in 2022.

I rethought my goals, from three quite practical goals to one more philosophical goal/way of life. Both approaches align with my principles, but the practical goals offer more structure and a consistent way to reflect on what I did in 2022 to achieve them.

Contributing to the digital transformation of the the non-profit sector

Working at a national non-profit organisation to embed product thinking and practice

I’ve been in my role as Product & Delivery Lead for a year now. I’ve really enjoyed it, but there have been some challenges, including figuring out what it means to manage a team that you don’t work with, and having too much focus on delivering projects and so not having enough time to work on the environment where product managers can create valuable, feasible, viable products.

Some successes:

  • Recruiting really good people to the team. They’re all fantastic.
  • Introducing an approach to continuous improvement for products that uses the theory of constraints and data to make decisions.
  • Establishing more robustness around security, infrastructure and management processes for both that help us have the solid foundations we need for creating great products.
  • Starting work on a strategy for managing technology that brings it closer to organisational objectives – something I think is essential for a digital-first charity.

Some failures:

  • Not being able to support the team in the ways they need.
  • Two projects failed, which I think could have successfully delivered value if they’d been approached in a different way, and I feel responsible for that not happening.

Participating in online communities for social good, innovation, product and digital

This has proved the toughest goal this and previous years. As an autistic introvert I find it really difficult to participate as part of a community. I want to contribute, I just need to find the right way.

Continually developing my knowledge, skills and practice

Completing formal education courses

I haven’t completed any formal courses this year. I had a few courses on my list that I’m interested in, but the only courses I started was British Sign Language and GitLab’s Remote Working course, neither of which I finished. I think not wanting to spend money was part of it but also appreciating spending so much time relaxing on beaches after doing an MSc last year stopped me from signing up for other courses.

Informal learning through side-projects

The first four months of the year had a focus on side-projects. Some quickly dropped out and some carried on in one way or another. I tried to focus on just a few in the last few months but without a great deal of progress.

I had a little bit of clarity when thinking about side-projects, that it’s actually exploring ideas that I really enjoy, not trying to build a product or diversify income streams, so I wonder if maybe this goal needs to be re-written to include writing/blogging (which is how ) or whether I should think of that as a side project.

Regular reflection on progress and barriers

I wrote weeknotes most weeks to help me reflect on what I did, read and thought about. Even after more than three hundred and thirty editions I still find it helpful to think back about the week.

I also did fairly regular retros and delivery plans to try to get into a cycle of learning from how I did in the previous month and deciding which things to work on next month. It didn’t work as well as I’d hope in focusing me on the things I want to work on, but not doing it definitely isn’t going to help so it just needs some refinement.

Living an intentional life

Following a nomadic lifestyle

It was a great year of being a nomad. I spent April to October living in my car and travelling along the west coast of Wales. I made it up to Holyhead, which I see as the turning point from the west Wales coast line to the north wales coast line. I still find it hard to express what an amazing lifestyle it is and how much joy it brings me.

Improving physical and mental well-being

Leading a very simple life and walking on a different beach every day makes it hard to stressed about anything. It helps me deal with the confusion I struggle with at work.

I started to understand my autism better, and to reflect on how it has affected/affects my life. Looking back at problematic times and situations, I can see how the way it turned out was because of how my brain works and how I understand things, and how I’ve failed to see that others see things so differently. I can see how my life would have turned out very differently if I wasn’t autistic, and maybe that way of life would have been right for a different Roger, but this Roger wouldn’t want a life without all the adventures I’ve had.

I walked most days, some times for hours, so my physical health was pretty good. I never managed to make running stick, but that’s because I never really found the motivation to get over dealing with the practicalities.

Maintaining financial security

My runway is up to 43 months, which puts me in a good position for next year.

How do you know if a product launch is successful?

A successful product launch can be measured by a variety of metrics, including customer feedback, sales figures, and customer retention. It can also be measured by the amount of media attention or social media engagement the launch has generated. Ultimately, a successful product launch should be judged by how much it contributes to the company’s bottom line.

How do product managers create a product strategy?

  1. Establish Goals and Objectives: Product managers should start by establishing clear and measurable goals and objectives for the product. This includes defining business objectives and user needs that the product should meet.
  2. Analyze the Market: Product managers need to analyze the current market and competition to determine the viability of the product. This includes researching customer needs and understanding the competitive landscape.
  3. Define the Target Audience: A key part of any product strategy is understanding the target audience. Product managers should gather data on customer demographics, behaviors, and preferences to define the target audience.
  4. Define the Product: Product managers should define the product, including features, pricing, and positioning. This includes creating a product roadmap that outlines the product’s future development.
  5. Develop a Go-To-Market Strategy: Product managers should develop a go-to-market strategy that outlines how the product will be marketed and sold. This includes defining the channels and target audience for each stage of the product lifecycle.
  6. Monitor Performance and Refine Strategy: Product managers need to continuously monitor the product’s performance and adjust the strategy accordingly. This includes collecting customer feedback and making changes to the product and strategy as needed.

How do product managers determine what customers want and need?

Product managers determine what customers want and need by engaging in a variety of activities, such as:

  • Conducting customer research and surveys to gain insights into customer attitudes and preferences.
  • Analyzing customer feedback from customer service, support, and product reviews.
  • Analyzing market trends and competitive intelligence.
  • Evaluating customer data from usage and engagement analytics.
  • Participating in customer interviews and focus groups.
  • Working with customer-facing teams such as sales, marketing, and customer service to gain insights into customer needs and preferences.
  • Creating usability tests to understand how customers interact with products.
  • Leveraging customer feedback and insights to create user personas.
  • Developing customer journey maps to better understand customer needs and desires.

What’s the difference between leadership and management?

Leadership is about inspiring and motivating people to reach a common goal, while management is about organizing and coordinating tasks, resources, and people to ensure objectives are met. Leadership focuses on the “big picture” and vision, while management focuses on the details and implementation of the plans. Leadership is about influencing and inspiring, while management is about controlling and supervising. Leadership is about setting a direction and making decisions, while management is about making sure tasks and processes are completed. Leadership is about inspiring change, while management is about maintaining stability.

How do you overcome product failures/challenges or poor feedback?

  1. Analyze data: Gather and review all available data related to the product failure or poor feedback, such as customer surveys, product reviews, and market research. This will help you determine the root cause of the issue.
  2. Take corrective action: Use the data to identify and implement corrective measures to address the issue.
  3. Communicate with customers: Reach out to customers who had a negative experience and try to understand their perspective.
  4. Reassess and iterate: Monitor how your changes are working, and make adjustments and iterate as needed.
  5. Learn from feedback: Use both negative and positive feedback to make product improvements. Encourage customer feedback and use it to inform future product decisions.

How would you explain Product Management to a 5-year-old?

Product Management is like being a chef. You have to come up with the recipe for a delicious dish and make sure that all the ingredients are in the right place. You also have to manage the kitchen and make sure that the kitchen is working well and that the dish tastes just right.

How do you know if a product is well designed?

A well designed product is one that meets the needs of its users. It should be intuitive, aesthetically pleasing, and have features that are relevant to the intended purpose. Additionally, it should be easy to use and maintain, and have a long lifespan.

What do companies look for in a new Product Manager?

  1. Technical Knowledge and Expertise: Companies look for product managers who have a deep understanding of the technical aspects of their product. This includes knowledge of coding languages, software development, and design.
  2. Business Acumen: Companies want product managers who understand the business side of their product, such as market trends, customer needs, and developing strategies to increase profitability. They should also be able to develop pricing strategies, create go-to-market plans, and manage the product portfolio.
  3. Communication Skills: Product managers must be able to clearly communicate their vision for the product to the development team and stakeholders. They need to be able to explain product requirements, features, and objectives.
  4. Leadership Skills: Product managers must be able to lead their team to success by setting clear goals and providing direction. They should be able to make tough decisions and provide guidance when needed.
  5. Problem-Solving: Product managers need to have a knack for solving complex problems, and should be able to identify and address potential issues before they become major problems.
  6. Collaboration: Product managers must be able to collaborate with other departments and stakeholders to ensure the success of the product. They should be able to foster relationships and build consensus.