Retrospective June 2022
The lesson for this month is that your focus isn’t always up to you. Sometimes things happen that demand your attention and you can’t say no to.
Contributing to the digital transformation of the non-profit sector
Working at a national non-profit organisation to embed product thinking and practice
It’s been an interesting month with lots of change but I’m making progress on my strategy in a few ways.
Participating in online communities for social good, innovation, product and digital
Slight possible progress on this goal with the idea of hosting show and tells for charities to share work in progress. Guess we’ll see if anything comes of it.
Continually developing my knowledge, skills and practice
Formal education
Didn’t do anything on my BSL course, on the Gitlab Remote Working course. I really need to go give them some time next month.
Informal learning
I didn’t do much on my side-projects as I’m still getting into the flow of being on the road but I’m really keen to work on my Ambivalent MBA on Charity in the 21st century in July.
Irregular Ideas has 43 subscribers. I’ve moved it on to Substack after an issue with Revue. Need to decide whether to keep it on Substack or move the email and website on Mailerlite.
Reflective practice
I wrote weeknotes on schedule every week.
Leading an intentional life
My nomadic life along the coastline has resumed. I’m back in Wales and slowly visiting lots of beaches. I’ve seen a seal and a couple of dolphins.
Health & well-being
I’m still not doing enough to improve my physical health.
Financial independence
Runaway reduced this month due to some unexpected expenses but still pretty healthy.