Difficult decisions at Bucks Mind Board Meeting

We had some difficult discussions at today’s board meeting, and had to make decisions that feel like a compromise between what is best for the service users and what might be better for the organisation in the long run.

Having to make these kinds of decisions is exactly why a charity needs a board of trustees with a diverse range of skills and broad experience, to bring different opinions to the discussion, and a good chair to ensure that all opinions are heard and considered, and that a clearly understood decision is reached.

As Bucks Mind’s board of trustees grows in size with each new recruit and each board member gets to know each other with every meeting, I think we are becoming a board that can balance complicated and conflicting discussion and reach decisions that are as good as they can be for all concerned.




Bucks Mind and New Futures

New Futures is Bucks County Council funded program that supports local charities by providing consultancy. For this round of support we’re looking at ways of improving our business efficiency and continuity by improving our IT infrastructure.

In preparation for this we need to do some extensive process mapping to understand how people work, what they need to help them work smarter, and how data flows through the organisation. From these maps we’ll be able to work with the IT consultant to develop the infrastructure we need.

Bucks Mind Finance and Audit Sub-committee meeting

Reviewed the management accounts for March, the petty cash situation, the cashflow and balance sheet, and the budget for 2017. I still feel like I’ve got a long way to go to be completely comfortable with understanding the finances of the organisation but it is something I really want to improve my knowledge around.