Wardley Mapping, in brief
This thread might help you with #WardleyMaps. pic.twitter.com/C0G0NtXq3e
— ben mosior (@HiredThought) July 12, 2020
This thread might help you with #WardleyMaps. pic.twitter.com/C0G0NtXq3e
— ben mosior (@HiredThought) July 12, 2020
“Get ahead. Get a map.” by James Noakes https://link.medium.com/BeFTycIDH6
Me : Does your company look roughly like this? Everything pretty much green except "exploit the landscape"?
— Simon Wardley (@swardley) May 13, 2020
X : No.
Me : Ok. Well, fix that first. The problem with the gameplay is that it can be very dangerous even counter productive in the hands of an enthusiastic amateur. pic.twitter.com/p3wFZrFyKJ
“Wardley Maps 1 — True user needs” by Joe Blair https://link.medium.com/j8ipt2lLj3